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Aadhar PVC Card Apply Online | 4 steps to apply Aadhar PVC card Online uidai.gov.in

What is Aadhar card?

Aadhar is a 12 digits unique Identification Number, Issued for Indian citizens. And it is considered as an identity proof of residence in India and it is not a proof of citizenship. 12digits Aadhar card is issued by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) based on the people biometric and demographic data. Aadhar is the world’s largest biometric ID system.

Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) was established in January 2009, under the ministry of electronics and Information Technology, by the government of India. Supreme Court of India said that about aadhar as it is voluntary and not mandatory.  

Aadhar Card is linked to the all public schemes, public services, and other welfare & subsidy schemes.

What is Aadhar PVC Card?

Aadhaar PVC Card
Aadhaar PVC Card

Unique identification authority of India (UIDAI) has newly introduced the latest form of Aadhar card with digitally signed secure QR code and also contain with photograph and demography information.

Earlier UIDAI has introduced different forms of Aadhar card like Aadhar letter, eAadhar, mAadhar and now Aadhar PVC Card. The full form and meaning of Aadhar PVC card is Aadhar Polyvinyl chloride

This Aadhar PVC card is pocket-sized and more convenient to carry anywhere. And it has high quality, durability, and water proof feature in bank credit/ debit card-sized Aadhar card.

People whoever want to apply for Aadhar PVC card; they have to pay Rs. 50/- for each request.

Features / Benefits of Aadhar PVC card:

Good Printing quality and Lamination

Durability & Convenient to carry

Latest security features

Instant Offline Verification By QR Code

Issue date & Print Date

Micro Text

Embossed Aadhar Logo 

To order your Aadhar PVC card online, all you need is your Aadhar number. Even if you don’t have that, you can use your 28 digit Enrolment ID (EID) or 16 digits Virtual ID (VID) to order it.

Don’t have your mobile number registered to your Aadhar? Don't worry; you can use any mobile number to receive OTP for authentication of your Aadhar PVC order. Regardless of the registered mobile number in your Aadhar (if you want to register your mobile number with Aadhar you can register mobile number). So, one person can order Aadhar PVC card online for the whole family.

Aadhaar PVC Card Applying Process:

Step1: On the UIDAI website, (www.uidai.gov.in)

Step 2: Go to "My Aadhar Tab" and select “Order PVC"

Step 3: In the New tab either enter your 12-digit Aadhar number, 16digit Virutal ID, or 28-digit enrolment ID 

Step 4: and also enter the security code which is shown in the captcha box.

Step 5: If your mobile register is registered with your Aadhar card you need not tick the check box, if your mobile number is not registered with your aadhar card, then select the tick box and enter the non registered or alternative mobile number

Step 6: Then Click on “Send OTP" and enter it once you receive the OTP. The OTP will be Valid for 10 minutes.

Step 7: Select the check box against "Terms & Conditions" and Click on Submit

Note:  Registered mobile users will be able to see the preview of the Aadhaar card for verification. But, this facility is not available if the mobile number is not registered

Step 8: Then Make an online payment using debit/credit card or Net banking modem and Download the receipt.

Step 9:  Then you will receive an SMS with the 28-digit service request number (SRN) on your mobile number (which mobile number is entered for OPT)

Step 10: Then your Aadhar PVC card delivery by Speed post.

Last words:

 All forms of Aadhaar (eAadhaar, mAadhaar, Aadhaar letter, Aadhaar card and Aadhaar Pvc Card) issued by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) are equally valid.

Click here to go to the Aadhar PVC applying Page

FAQs on Aadhar PVC Card:

Question: How many days it will take to deliver Aadhar PVC Card

Ans:  Once you complete the Aadhar PVC Card applying process within 5-7 working days Aadhar technical team handover PVC card to India Post then you will receive according to their duty and transportation. Maximum it will 15 days to reach the applicant.

Question: What is the cost of Print Aadhar PVC Card?

Ans:  UIDAI team charged 50/- for each request, you need not to print Aadhar Pvc Card, it will be directly reached to your address once you complete the Aadhar PVC Card Request.

Question: What is the security features of “Aadhar PVC Card”?

Ans:  This card contains security features like:

Secure QR Code


Micro text

Ghost image

Issue Date & Print Date

Guilloche Pattern

Embossed Aadhar Logo

Question: What is AWB number?

Ans: Airway Bill Number is the tracking number that is generated by DoP i.e. India Speed Post for the assignment/product that they deliver.

Question: What is SRN?

Ans: SRN is 28 digits Service Request Number which is generated after raising request for Aadhar card on our website. It will be generated every time whenever the request will be raised regardless whether payment is successful or not.

Question: Can I choose to have and use any form of Aadhaar?

Ans:  Yes. The residents can choose to have one or more forms of Aadhar. The residents may also choose to use any form of Aadhar as per their convenience. All forms of Aadhar are equally valid as a proof of identity without giving any preference to one form of Aadhar over the others.

Question: Which modes are available to make the payment?

Ans:  Presently, the payment can be made using Online Mode of Payment. Residents can use the following payment methods while making payment:-

·                 Credit Card

Debit Card

Net Banking


Question: Is PVC Aadhar card Valid?

Ans: Yes, PVC Aadhar card is Valid, As like all forms of Aadhar card (Aadhar card, eAadhar, mAadhar , Aadhar letter)

Question:  Is Smart card and Aadhar card is the same

Ans: Yes, Smart card and Aadhar card is equally valid

Question: Is Aadhar PVC Smart card valid for Passport

Ans: YES, it is valid; people can apply Passport with Aadhar PVC Smart card like as Aadhaar card

Question: What is the standard size of a PVC ID CARD?

Ans: PVC Pre-Printed Aadhaar Card, Size: 86mm*54mm (i.e 8.6cmx5.4 cm)

Question:  Is it ok to Laminate Aadhar card

Ans: Yes, you can laminate your Aadhaar card

Question: Is Photocopy of Aadhar card valid in Train?

Ans: Yes, it is valid

Question: Is photocopy of Aadhar card valid?

Ans: Some places only, some time you need to carry Original Aadhar card

Question: Can i apply for passport without Aadhar card?

Ans: Yes, But Applying for passport with Aadhar proof it is easy to process  and you will get passport in short time.

Question: Which printer is best for PVC ID Printing?

Ans: you need not to print Aadhaar PVC card, when you finish the Aadhar PVC card applying process, it directly delivers to your home address

Question: Can you print PVC card on a normal printer?

Ans: you need not to print Aadhaar PVC card, when you finish the Aadhar PVC card applying process, it directly delivers to your home address

Question: How do I print PVC Card on Epson 1805?

Ans: you need not to print Aadhaar PVC card, when you finish the Aadhar PVC card applying process, it directly delivers to your home address

Question: How do you print on PVC Sheet?

Ans: you need not to print Aadhaar PVC card, when you finish the Aadhar PVC card applying process, it directly delivers to your home address