Aadhaar card Number and Student Photo on Degree Certificates and Marks Memos:
UGC India has recently announced important Information related to student certificates, UGC full form is University Grants Commission of India; UGC- University Grants Commission has given circular (order) to all Universities and Education Institutions, that circular contains information about, now on words on every Degree certificate and Marks Memo which is provided by Universities or Educations institutions should have Student photo and Aadhaar card Number on Degree certificates and Marks memos.
UGC takes this decision for the Purpose of Aadhaar card Number and Photo on Certificates and Marks memos to find the original certificates and also increase the Security features of the Education Certificates,
University Grants Commissions Secretary J.N. Sandhu has said with this feature (Student photo and Aadhaar card on Degree Certificates and marks memos) we can easily verify and find the Original certificates from that we can control the duplicate degree Certificates and fraud.
Conclusion: with this UGC Decision every student have to aware has to provide their aadhaar card number and photo to the pursuing education institute, who ever don’t have aadhaar card immediately have to Enroll for Aadhaar card, or in case if you want to update any changes on aadhaar card you can correct your aadhaar card