Check Aadhaar card Status by Name and address:
Most of the people search and type words like check aadhaar card status by name, check aadhaar card status by address, check aadhaar card status by date of Birth, search aadhaar card status by pin code. When we search the above words on any search engine we will get results on search engine page like check aadhaar card status, check aadhaar card status online like this.
At present time we can search aadhaar card status on official aadhaar card page with EID, by entering the Enrollment Id (EID)
Whenever you get ‘Aadhaar card Enrollment ‘from the authorized aadhaar card Enrollment center they will give you one acknowledgment slip with 14 digits enrollment ID and also with 14 digits enrollment date and time, then after completion of enrollment process within 90 days you will receive Aadhaar card with 12 digits UID number.
Meanwhile, we can check aadhaar card status whether it is generated or not, for that we can check aadhaar card status online
Up to now we don’t have any related software developed to check aadhaar card status by name , address, Date of Birth and Pin code etc.,
Very soon we can expect enhancements like this to check aadhaar card status by name, address, date of birth and pin code, at this time we have option to check aadhaar card status by Enrollment ID only on aadhaar card official page
Then fill the all required fields i.e., 14 digits Enrollment Id along with 14 digits date and time, and have to enter 4 digits security code as shown in the box then click on the Check status as shown below.
In case if you have lost your enrollment ID , In this scenario we can retrieve your EID with your full Name, Email address and Mobile Number.
To retrieve your lost Enrollment ID, for that you should register your mobile number at the time of aadhaar card enrollment mobile number is mandatory to retrieve your EID Number.
So people now you have clear idea about how to check aadhaar card status online, we have the option to check aadhaar card status by EID, and we don’t have the option to check aadhaar card status by name, address, date of birth and Pin Code e.t.c. for that developments / enhancements we expected soon to easy search or status check.
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ReplySachin prajapati
ReplyI didnt get my adhar card from post office now what to do?
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